Work Package 1: Foundations


Work Package 1 provides the basis for the subsequent work packages and consists of three tasks:

  1. Analysis of the strategic energy policy framework in Austria and the EU
  2. Analysis of the RES-E policy framework
  3. Compilation of database for model simulations

Analysis of the strategic energy policy framework in Austria and the EU

The EU strives for a leading role in international climate negotiations, underpinning this ambition with domestic action like the introduction of the EU Emission Trading Scheme in 2005 and the adoption of the Climate and Energy Package in 2009. The 20-20 targets for energy and climate (EC 2008) and the 2030 framework for climate and energy policies (EC 2014) underline the political commitment on the general EU level and the increased consideration of climate change is-sues in energy policy. In the Roadmaps for 2050, the long-term reduction path is laid out for the EU confirming the objec-tive of limiting global warming at a temperature increase of 2°C. These EU targets are challenging for the EU Member States, which is reflected in national energy policy strategies, such as the Austrian #mission2030 and the Austrian Nation-al Energy and Climate Plan (NEKP), but also in the program of the newly elected government of Austria. We will review the strategic energy policy documents for the period until 2030/2050 at EU level and in Austria. The review of these documents, along with the other tasks of WP1, will contribute to providing the framework for the scenario development in Work Package 2 and Work Package 3.

Analysis of the RES-E policy framework

RES-E support schemes differ between the European countries (e.g. Kettner et al. 2009, Ragwitz et al. 2011). Feed-in tariffs and feed-in premiums as well as quota systems with tradable green certificates are the most relevant support schemes in the EU as of today . According to the recast of the renewable energy directive (Directive 2018/2001/EU), after 2020 RES-E support schemes should be designed to avoid unnecessary distortions of electricity markets and in a way that generators consider electricity supply and demand as well as potential grid constraints, i.e. generators should respond to price signals and maximise their market revenues. Based on a comprehensive literature review as well as the processing of statistical data, a survey of past and present RES-E policy and market developments in EU Member States will be performed. For each key RES-E technology (wind power, solar PV, hydropower and biomass), a detailed quantitative data set will be de-rived that describes the historic trends for the period from 1990 to 2020 at Member State level. The data will include information on implemented policy schemes on an annual basis (i.e. by type of policy instrument, distinguishing between main and accompanying instruments, mainly based on reslegal platform ( complemented by a review of the relevant literature) as well as RES-E market developments (i.e. installed capacities).

Compilation of database for model simulations

A database on the projected development of exogenous model parameters will be compiled based on an extensive survey of the relevant literature. The database will include population and labour force projections as well as projections of ur-banisation degrees, car ownership (by fuel type), export dynamics, domestic fuel production, energy efficiency, and fuel and carbon prices.

Last update: November 2020